fxhash graphql api

fxhash exposes a graphql api, more on the topic here:

Integration guide

quick and easy client to explore the api:

API Explorer

sample python mockup to list the upcoming projects:

from gql import gql, Client
from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport
import json

# Select your transport with a defined url endpoint
transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url="https://api.fxhash.xyz/graphql")

# Create a GraphQL client using the defined transport
client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)

# Provide a GraphQL query
query = gql(
    query Query($filters: GenerativeTokenFilter, $take: Int, $sort: GenerativeSortInput) {
        generativeTokens(filters: $filters, take: $take, sort: $sort) {
            pricingFixed {
            pricingDutchAuction {

query_vars = {
  "filters": {
    "mintOpened_eq": False
  "take": 20,
  "sort": {
    "mintOpensAt": "ASC"

# Execute the query on the transport
result = client.execute(query, variable_values=query_vars)

and some extension for above to generate a google calendar url for a notification with some metadata:

for item in result['generativeTokens']:
    found = False
    if item['pricingFixed'] is not None:
        if item['pricingFixed']['price'] <= 1000000:
            found = True
            print('NAME:', item['slug'])
            print('PRICE:', item['pricingFixed'])
            print('OPENS:', item['mintOpensAt'])
            print('IMG: https://gateway.fxhash2.xyz/'+item['thumbnailUri'].replace(':/', ''))
            print('URL: https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/slug/' + item['slug'])
    if item['pricingDutchAuction'] is not None:
        if (0 in item['pricingDutchAuction']['levels'] or 
            1000000 in item['pricingDutchAuction']['levels']):
            found = True
            print('NAME:', item['slug'])
            print('PRICE:', item['pricingDutchAuction'])
            print('OPENS:', item['mintOpensAt'])
            print('IMG: https://gateway.fxhash2.xyz/'+item['thumbnailUri'].replace(':/', ''))
            print('URL: https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/slug/' + item['slug'])
    if found:
        cal = 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?action=TEMPLATE&'
        text = 'text=fxhash:' + item['slug'] + '&'
        d = item['mintOpensAt'].replace('-','').replace(':','').replace('.','')
        dates = 'dates=' + d + '/' + d + '&'
        details = 'details=' + 'https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/slug/' + item['slug']
        print('CAL: ' + cal + text + dates + details)

the api explorer has a very nice intuitive query builder

the fxhash website uses the same api to present the content as well, one can checkout queries by inspecting the requests in the web browsers dev tools - network console (look for https://api.fxhash.xyz/graphql calls), more in the integration guide: integration guide

Written on July 29, 2022